Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Roaring Fork

There are remote areas in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park that were inhabited in the 30s when the land was aquired by the federal goverment to make the park. Some of the occupants were displaced others were allowed to stay for the rest of their natural life. Some of their homestead were conserved by the Natural Park Service. One of these region is Roaring Fork, it is now accessible by a small winding mountain road and along the way there are places to stop for trails or to visit some of the conserved homesteads, this was the house of Noah Ogle and his family.
After lunch we returned to the Roaring Forks, parked and took the trail that
leads to the Grotto Falls one of many falls in the park. The 2.5 miles trail was
marked as moderate in difficulty, now I know we are not better then moderate in
our physical shape the trail climbs from 3300 feet to 3800 feet but worth every

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