Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Road Trip 2011 (Getting Ready)

Once again the vacation time is coming, this year the departure will be on October 26 for a 52 days trek. The main destination is San Francisco with scheduled stops in Nashville, Petrified Forest National Park, Death Valley National Park, Monterey, Joshua Tree National Park, Palm Springs, Yuma, San Antonio, New Orleans, Pensacola, Savanah and more..

Needless to say I plan to take a lot of pictures and share some of them with you on this blog. Our first planned stop is in Nashville Tennesse, we have tickets for the grand ol opry a staple of country music and the longest running live radio show in the US.

Meanwhile I've been keeping busy doing the research about the trip, finding the spots I want to see and photograph, tagging them in Google Earth and entering them in my GPS. Wednesday I go and pick up the Travel Trailer from it's summer spot in Dunham and bring it in the driveway so we can start to get it ready for that perticular trip.

More to come as the departure gets closer.

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