Thursday, October 27, 2011

First Day

It started well we did no suffer much delay at the border, now we know the trick leave with an empty fridge and do the grocery in Platsburg, they have a nice grocery store. Then back on the road, I took the corner a bit tight, jumped the curb and emptied the cupboard on the floor. The main casualty was the coffe maker.

Whe then arrived at the campsite near howe's cavern but surprise it was closed for the season.

So we visited the caverns that were very interesting, even with a nice boat ride on an underground river. Well worth the detour, also I found a new road the 88 that is very nice.

After the visit we drove for 285 miles and arrived at a campsite in Pensylvania near Harrisburg around 23h00 and went strait to bed.

Today it's raining but we are closer to our Nashville destination.

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