Friday, December 2, 2011

San Antonio

After being in the desert for awhile it felt good to get to San Antonio, the city is beautiful and our camp location was perfect we were less then 15 minutes from everything I wanted to see. The first thing to see of course was the Alamo, the famous mission where the most important battle for the independance of Texas from Mexico. We also saw the movie in Imax and visited another museum on the subject.

The Alamo

One important feature of San-Antonio is the Riverwalk, here is a description of it from their website :
The San Antonio River Walk is a public park, open 365 days a year. It is a network of walkways along the banks of the San Antonio River, one story beneath approximately 5 miles of downtown San Antonio.  Lined by bars, shops and restaurants, the River Walk is an important part of the city's urban fabric and a tourist attraction in its own right. We went to eat at Casa Rio the first restaurant to open on the riverwalk in 1947. The food was excellent and it was fun to sit by the river on the terrasse, the dog didn't appreciate the ducks but that's another story. Later we took the boat tour on the river and that was fun as well.

San Antonio Riverwalk

The Alamo is one of a serie of five missions that were built by the spanish between 1690 and 1730, some are more in ruins then other, some still have mass celebrated there on sundays, all are interesting to visit.

Mission San Jose at Sunset

San Antonio also has a nice Botanical Garden so yesterday we went there to take our morning walk. I took my 60mm. macro lens along and had fun with the bees and the flowers.

The Bee's at work

We left there at 6h00 this morning and we are now in New Orleans so there will be more stories to follow.

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