Sunday, November 4, 2012

Santa Rosa Beach

After we left Chattanooga on the 30th we took road 59 tough Alabama, then for the last 200 miles we headed south using the backroads, slower but an interesting and relaxed drive trough cotton fields and small towns.
So we finally got to our first destination at Top Sail State Park in Santa Rosa Beach located near Destin in Florida. We plan to stay here for two weeks and then drive down to Key Largo.

The park is nice, we have been here last year so I knew what site I wanted, it's by the lake with a level pad and complete with a small deck, also close enough to the clubhouse to have a good internet connection.
We took the first day to set-up comfortably, I have installed my outside kitchen complete with an induction stove.

Of course one of the main attractions is the beach and it is accessible via a paved trail, so most people ride bikes around, last year we rented some but this year we brought our own. There are other trails around the park an it's a fun way to get arround.

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