Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Diving in the Keys

So here we are in the keys more precisely in Key Largo we decided to come here to do some ocean diving on the reefs. We got here on Tuesday morning and we managed to get access to the hotel before the diving so we got setup and then proceeded to go to John Pennekamp to register for the afternoon dive, unfortunately they were going to the Spiegel Grove, a dive to deep for Sebastien my buddy who is not certified advanced open water. We went with Ocean Divers instead, it was a big boat we were 24 divers on board. We went to molasses reef where we dove 2 sites, the aquarium and the winch hole.

On the first dive I had problems with my mask leaking but the site was wonderful, a big sand bowl filled with fishes. It was a nice 25 feet profile but I forgot to turn on my flashes so my pictures are on the blue side, my navigation to get back to the boat was pretty accurate, enough to lower Sebastien's anxiety about being lost at sea far from the boat.

On the boat during the surface interval there was a lady that was starting to be seasick, it was her first time on a dive boat and she was snorkeling, felling myself a bit queasy I could relate very well to her predicament so I offered her some ginger to chew on and lavender essential oil to put behind her ears and offered her some tips on avoiding feeding the fishes. After a while we got back in the water for our second dive, I had fiddled with my mask while onboard and now it was leak free. This dive however presented Seb with a greater difficulty since the bottom was deeper then the capability of the camera so he needed perfect control of his buoyancy in order not to exceed 33 feet he did great with his maximum depth at 34 feet during that dive. I had also fixed my flash problem but in the middle of that dive I ran out of space on my memory card. That swim back to the boat was also dependent on navigation and I was pretty happy with the result.

Yesterday unfortunately when we went to the dive shop we learned that the waves were 4 to 6 feet high, making it impossible for me not to puke my guts out and very dangerous for both of us to handle the ladder on boat reentry so we did other activities instead. Today we are doing an afternoon dive from Marathon to Sombrero Reef.

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