Friday, February 1, 2013

Patriot Point

As usual we decided not to drive directly to Montreal but to do at least one top on the way. Sebastien had never been to Charleston so we did a small detour and got a room in a Hotel at Patriot Point home of the Yorktown Carrier. We have half a day to spend there, not more because the plan is to sleep in Petersburg that night. So at 9h00 at opening time we are at the gate, still we can't see everything the carrier alone take most of a day if you want to see all of it. There is a Vietnam forward naval base and a WW2 Submarine to visit. There is also a new exhibit, a WW2 destroyer that I never saw.

So we decided to visit the Destroyer first since I had never visited it and then visited 85% of the Carrier before noon. It is quite impressive to visit exception made for the few planes on deck that are more modern it's like tang a trip in time to 1945 during the war in the pacific.
The scale of it is dwarfing, the pictures of the time illustrate well that wars are fought by young men in their twenties. When we visit the insides of the ship it gives us a good feel for what the life onboard would have been like.

Aft a brief visit of the gift shop we were on the road at 12h30 and that night we slept at our projected destination. The next day we drove back to Montreal and arrived home arround 21h00.
I am done traveling for a while so I wont be posting much until the fall.
In the meantime don't hesitate to visit my website . I just finished getting all of the pictures in my computer, over 4000 of them and I will be updating my site as I work with them.

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