Sunday, January 9, 2011

Big Dan's Gator Walk

One thing I like to do when I come to Florida is to do some hicking on the
multiple trails that exist around here and take pictures.

Some of these trails
are more Gator oriented and since my nephew is visiting and interested in the
adventure we went for this type of trail.

As we approched the trail by the access road that parallels a canal there was a
good size gator on the right side of the road and we heard a splash on our left.
We decided to proceed foward very carefully and I setup to take pictures.
After a few minutes a police cruiser comes along and the officer warns us that
there is many gator around, that they are active and that a few days ago some
people found themselves surrounded by eight gators. Also there was the sighting
of one that is the size of his patrol car.

He recommends us to be very aware of
our surroundings, a reccomendation we take seriously, and by the way he says as
he is leaving... they can run up to 35 miles per hour.

So we proceed on the trail and minutes later we see the one we call Colossus,
without taking a mesure we are pretty sure it is the one the officer was talking
about, like a sniper with his camo suit the gator is covered with vegetation and
he is looking straight at us.


We pass by trying to keep our distance but not as
far as we would like since there is another gator on the other side of the trail.
After that we change trail since I want to show my nephew the vultures nesting
area it is a relax trail for a while but then at one point the trail is blocked by 3
gators and I know that past them there is a beach with god knows how many of them
on it.

So we decided to take an other trail that bypass this one, full of vultures but
no gators. After another 1 or 2 km. walk along the swamp my nephew and I are
happy to get back in the truck without having to do the trail backwards.

Next trail we go for the birds.

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