Friday, November 16, 2012

John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park

So far so good we are in John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Yesterday I went snorkeling at Cannon Beach it was quite nice altough the visibility was minimal, the water was 79° and gave me a chance to test my new camera settings under water before I go diving. The park is nice although the campsites are a little bit crowded. The bad point is the bugs, I got stung a bit but my wife got stung enough to take the fun out of the place. I hope it gets better since it's now dryer and we have a little breeze.

Of course I had a little adventure going snorkeling at the beach. I decided to go with my bike I attached my fins to the handlebars, put my wetsuit on and with my camera in the basket. I pedal my way to the beach. Once there I locked my bike, got in the water, cleaned my mask, put on my fins an then notticed that I forgot my snorkel at camp. So I had to get out of the water repack everything and get on my bike to go get my snorkel at camp and then go back to the beach once again. I felt kind of stupid but, what can you do.

Today is nice 79° outside the weather is a little breezy the waves are 1 to 2 feet and a little choppy. It should be a nice day for a dive, without being too much seasick so this afternoon I'm going diving. The dive profiles here are between 25 and 60 feet, so nice and easy diving. At these depth nitrox is not needed so I'll be diving on air.

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