Saturday, November 12, 2011

From Death Valley to the Pacific Coast:

We left early on Wednesday morning our campsite in Pahrump and drove an area they call Death Valley wilderness, my wife renamed it Nowhere and we were in the middle. It’s 50 miles of desert road then an Indian village with a gas station and three buildings then 60 miles of desert road then you hit Interstate 15 and you pass between the bottom of the Death Valley wilderness and the Mojave desert, the view are spectacular.

View of the Mojave Desert on the way to the Coast

There was a ghost town called Calico along the way and I managed to convince my wife to make an unscheduled stop, She agreed “I guess she didn’t remember the last time” so we stopped just before the the entrance to the ghost town and I took a few pictures in particular of a golden eagle that was just beside us.

Golden Eagle

We then get to the town entrance and there is a pay station, anyway I pay the fee and we proceed in, there is an RV parking so we park and start on foot toward the town as we approached I found out it was a renovated ghost town complete with a mini train ride. Not exactly what I was expecting my wife was smiling “I suspect that she knew in advance” but it was fun and nice to visit with an historical background.

Calico Ghost Town

We had lunch there, it was good and we sat outside on a wooden porch with the dog.
We then hit the road again and this time we had to take a small road the 58 the first part is nice enough passing trough farmlands but then we had to cross the Sierras over Bear Mountain at 6900 feet trough Tehachapi pass, the last 100 miles before we hit the coast . It was a white knuckle rollercoaster ride and a race against the sunset trough the mountains.

We got to the coast as the last of the light was disappearing and got to the campsite, parked didn’t even unhooked and went to bed..

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